Mother’s Day, for the most part, had been just another day for me growing up. I loved having a day devoted to making my hard-working and loving mom feel special and letting her know how much I appreciated her, but now Mother’s Day means more to me than it ever has before. It would have sounded silly to me before, but becoming a wife has taught me the most about what it means to be a mother. My own mother gave me the knowledge and, in my eyes, a perfect example of what a mother is, and becoming a wife has given me the experience. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel like a mom to Jesse (weird!) but I have learned so much about love, nurturing, and forgiveness from being a wife that I feel it has been the best preparation I could have for becoming a mother. I cannot wait to become a mother to who I believe will be the cutest little girl in the world, and I have so many people to thank for being an example of what it means to have true joy in the calling of motherhood/parenthood, but I especially have my mom to thank. This incredible woman brings sunshine and laughter everywhere she goes. She finds true joy and happiness in being with children no matter who they are or how obnoxious they might seem to the rest of the world, she manages to love them like they are her own. Kids of all ages flock to her because of that awesome quality and I’m working on figuring out how to have that kind of Christ-like love. I’m so incredibly blessed to have a mother who understands, embraces, and loves her role as a mother…she’s probably the best grandma in the world too. 😉254949_10150199010249635_6528153_n1488230_10151942364112434_4667884860012780189_n 530026_10151028629069635_139638291_n unnamed-1024x818My own Mother’s Day surprise from my incredible hubby!

I can’t believe that in 8 weeks (and hopefully not a day more) I will be a mother. This sweet child of ours was no accident. We prayed for her, talked about her, and prepared for her all before we even knew she existed. I know I will make (many) mistakes as a mother, but one thing will always be consistent and that is that I will love her and our future kiddos always and do everything I can to teach them and guide them so that they will live a happy and healthy life. Whether you are a mother yet or not, or whether you are a mother to your own children or to others, Happy Mother’s Day!

Sincerely, a mother.