My mom once said something that stuck with me:

“I’m grateful to clean up after Todd (my dad) because it means that he’s there.”

I love that. I love the socks that gather up at the foot of Jesse’s side of the bed because it means that he’s there. He’s alive. And not to mention he’s also taking off potentially stinky socks before he gets in bed with me. How wonderful is that?

Sometimes I forget how wonderful the loads of dirty clothes that aren’t mine are because it means that I’m not alone. I forget that the freshly cut beard hairs covering our bathroom sink mean that Jess has a great job that he has to shave for. I forget that the pile of dishes in the sink mean that we enjoyed a meal together. I forget that the blankets strewn across the living room means that Jess came home safely from work and that cuddles took place while watching T.V.

Not only do I forget these things, but sometimes I even get frustrated with them. When I got married my oldest sister said to me, “Don’t make mountains out of molehills.” Obviously I had heard that saying before, but for some reason at that moment it was so profound to me. I’ve had my struggles and I’ve made lots of hills and some mountains, but the things I find so frustrating at times are really blessings. Amazing and wonderful blessings that some people may not have the opportunity to receive.

I will do my best to love the socks, laundry, dishes, beard hairs, and blankets because it means that Jesse is there.

Yours Sincerely,

A wife learning to love the mole hills.